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Parenting our future generation...the challenges and the hopes


We often get caught up in simply surviving our time with our children; surviving the challenges they bring to our lives: feeding them, sleep routines, potty training, sibling conflicts, big emotions, tantrums, talking back, disrespect, screen time, homework….the list goes on and on!

And we enjoy the good times…the moments when we look at them asleep in bed, so peaceful, so innocent. The hugs. The smiles. The excitement they share when we pick them up after school or when we return from work. Their eagerness to read a book together, make some lego creations, ride bikes, cook with us or play a game.


When their behaviors are giving us a run for our money, we tell ourselves, “They’ll grow out of it. It’s just a phase.” Well, we hope. And likely they will change, but the important question is, when they do “grow out of it”, who will they grow into?


It happens fast. Suddenly, they have become teens! And our relationship with them might not be where we want it to be. They are no longer those young kids (who were predictably excited to be with us) anymore. And we realize we are running out of time.

“Our children are our future.” We hear that a lot. How can we NOT invest in helping them grow into responsible, compassionate, kind human beings who will shape the course of our environment, our communities, our politics, our social norms?

And even if we want that, what can we really do????

It often may not feel like it, but we are in a position to nurture them. To help them identify their needs; their hearts’ desires. To water the seeds of goodness in them. To help them see things from others’ perspectives. To help them take responsibility for themselves and their actions. To help them develop an internal compass of moral values, that will hold true even in the face of peer pressure. We can help them thrive.

Are you opposed to bettering your parenting in just 10 hours? It is not too late to strengthen the relationship you have with your child and learn to understand and manage their behavior with more ease (and less stress), whatever their age.

Let’s work on this together, in community! Join us for a Restitution Parenting Workshop. Or if you prefer to work individually, we offer a coaching program to support your parenting journey.

What will you learn? Tools, strategies and techniques to navigate day-to-day parenting challenges while cultivating a lasting relationship with your child(ren). Become someone they will want to come to for understanding and support for decades to come. Help them grow into the responsible, empathetic, creative, values-driven, self-disciplined, individuals our next generation (and future generations) need.

In parenting partnership,


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